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The Many Health and Wellness Benefits of Eating Celery

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The Many Health Benefits of Eating Celery_chopped celery in bowl

Celery (Apium graveolens) is so much more than a long, crunchy, low-calorie snack. In fact, it was first cultivated exclusively for its medicinal qualities and only later grown for use as a vegetable. Celery is even believed to be the plant growing near Calypso’s cave in Homer’s Odyssey (written around 850 B.C.), then called Selinon. Not surprisingly, celery does far more to improve our health than assist in weight loss.

Top 10 Celery Health Benefits

  1. Normalizes high blood pressure
  2. acts as an anti-inflammatory
  3. boosts immunity
  4. effective against cancer
  5. lowers cholesterol
  6. improves digestion
  7. helps relieve constipation
  8. helps ease anxiety and insomnia
  9. prevents and eliminates stones
  10. acts as an aphrodisiac

Celery Normalizes High Blood Pressure

Eating raw Celery can significantly reduce your blood pressure. Celery contains high amounts of a phytochemical called phthalides, active compounds that have been scientifically proven to lower blood pressure and promote a healthy circulatory system. Phthalides relax the tissues of the artery walls to increase blood flow and reduce blood pressure.

As extract phthalides are called NBP, but eating the whole food is better. Celery stalks contain fiber, magnesium, and potassium, all of which help to regulate blood pressure as well.

Celery also contains the antioxidant Apigenin and the essential fatty acid Omega-6, both of which are also great for treating hypertension and normalizing blood pressure.

Celery is an Anti-Inflammatory

Celery contains immunity-boosting agents called Polyacetylenes. Both Polyacetylenes and Apigenin are anti-inflammatory agents that can greatly decrease inflammation in the arteries, thus preventing blood clots and protecting the body against cellular damage. As a result, Celery has been widely used to treat arthritis, which is caused by inflammation.

Many arthritis sufferers swear by raw celery juice for joint pain relief. It’s also used to relieve gout, asthma, and bronchitis.

Celery Boosts Immunity

Because human blood pH levels need to stay between 7.35 and 7.45 (somewhat alkaline), to sustain good health, it’s important for us to include alkalizing foods in our diet to offset the effects of acidic foods, and Celery is one of the most alkalizing foods available.

It’s important to understand that the body will do whatever it takes to maintain the necessary blood pH, regardless of your diet, BUT when we don’t consume enough alkalizing foods our bodies must work harder to maintain that 7.35 to 7.45 balance. The harder our bodies must work to maintain that balance, the more likely we are to feel tired and have a reduced immune response.

Eating an alkaline diet decreases your body’s workload, and helps your immune system function at optimal levels. For this reason, many have credited an alkaline diet with curing all kinds of diseases, including cancer and type 1 diabetes, as well as slowing the aging process.

Celery is Effective Against Cancer

In addition, both Polyacetylenes and Apigenin have proven effective against cancer.

“Polyacetlynes have many immune-boosting effects,
including tumor-fighting abilities that stop mutated cells from
proliferating. According
to faculty
of the Department of Agricultural Sciences at the
Aarhus University of Denmark, ‘polyacetylenes have shown many
interesting bioactivities including anti-inflammatory,
antiplatelet-aggregatory, cytotoxic, antitumor activity, as well as
activity against bacteria and mycoplasma.’ … That’s not all.
Celery contains a flavonoid called apigenin, which has been shown to
death in cancer cells

Celery also contains Luteolin, a flavonoid that has been proven to halt the growth of some types of cancer cells in rodents. At present, researchers believe that Luteolin prevents tumor development mostly by inactivating some signals and transcription pathways essential for cancer cells. The exact mechanism is as yet unknown.

“[Studies] on animals suggest that luteolin could
enhance the potency of chemotherapy drugs that act on cancer cells
while reducing the toxic effects of these drugs on the body.”2

Celery Lowers Cholesterol

Researchers, at the University of Chicago, have proven that Celery can lower cholesterol by up to 7 points when 2 stalks are eaten each day. Celery studies conducted at universities and medical centers around the globe have found similar results, validating the findings of the University of Chicago’s study.

It’s believed that the cholesterol-lowering component of celery is a chemical called n-butylphthalide (also known as NBP), which reduces LDL (bad) cholesterol. N-butylphthalide is also responsible for celery’s flavor and scent.

Celery Improves Digestion and Relieves Constipation

One reason Celery is great for digestion is its insoluble fiber content. One cup of celery contains 10% of the fiber an average adult needs each day, and insoluble fiber is the kind that hastens food’s journey through the digestive tract and adds bulk to your stool. Also, since Celery contains a high percentage of water as well as insoluble fiber, the more you eat the softer and easier to pass your stool will be.

FYI, water alone can ease the digestion process and help prevent digestive issues.

Celery Helps Insomnia and Anxiety

The number one cause of insomnia is stress and anxiety. Celery contains high amounts of minerals (particularly magnesium) and essential oils that have a soothing effect on the nervous system, making it the perfect evening snack for insomniacs.

However, due to its water content and diuretic effect, eating celery too close to bedtime could lead to interrupted sleep and frequent visits to the restroom.

Celery Prevents and Eliminates Stones

Celery’s diuretic effect makes it an outstanding detoxifier. Celery not only expels the toxins that cause urinary and gallbladder stones to form in the body it also dissolves any stones that have already formed in those organs.

One of my favorite celery detox juice recipes uses 4 celery stalks, 2 ripe pears, a handful of watercress, and a masticating juicer. If you are suffering from stones in either organ, you should give it a try. It’s absolutely delicious!

Celery is an Aphrodisiac

Since ancient times, celery has been highly prized as a libido enhancer; even the infamous Casanova is reputed to have eaten celery daily to enhance his libido. Today, there is scientific proof that the ancients, and Casanova, were right.

It seems that celery contains a substance that increases Androsterone, a male pheromone derived from testosterone, which makes men more attractive to women, scent-wise. So, if you’re a man, eating raw celery daily will make you more appealing to women.

Many people also claim that celery can increase the weakened sexuality of the person eating it, by bringing their libido back into balance. I have yet to find a study proving this to be true, but it’s not impossible. Celery is said to stimulate the pituitary gland and the pituitary gland releases sex hormones. I wouldn’t surprised if this contention is proven true someday.

Celery has many impressive health benefits. The ones I have listed aren’t the only ones, just the most noteworthy (in my humble opinion). Celery also has a flavor and texture that makes it a satisfying snack as well as a great addition to various dishes, juices, and smoothies. Just remember, to get the most health benefits from celery you must eat it raw or blanched and juiced.

If you have any questions or comments about this topic post them below or tweet me on Twitter.


“Celery First Used as a Medicine”. Aggie Horticulture/Texas A&M Agrilife Extension, n.d. Web. July 2019

Xiaohui Yan, Miao Qi, et al. “Apigenin in Cancer Therapy: Anti-Cancer Effects and Mechanisms of Action”. Cell & Bioscience, October 5, 2017. Web. July 2019

“Celery, Raw Nutrition Facts & Calories”. SELF Nutrition Data, n.d. Web. July 2019

“Celery May Help Bring Your High Blood Pressure Down”. Cleveland Clinic, April 9, 2015. Web. July 2019

Zeng Yan Zhu, Tian Gao, et al. “Apigenin ameliorates hypertension-induced cardiac hypertrophy and down-regulates cardiac hypoxia inducible factor-lα in rats”. Food & Function, Issue 4, 2016. Web. July 2019

Bokyung Sung, Hae Young Chung, and Nam Deuk Kim. “Role of Apigenin in Cancer Prevention via the Induction of Apoptosis and Autophagy”. Journal of Cancer Prevention, December 2016. Web. July 2019

Group, Edward. “Understanding the Alkaline Diet and its Benefits”. Global Healing Center, October 20, 2016. Web. July 2019

Charlotte Lillis. “Does Celery Juice Have a Health Benefits?” Medical News Today, April 10, 2019. Web. July 2019

Rupp, Rebecca. “Sex and the Celery: Ancient Greeks Get Busy with Help from Veggies”. National Geographic, May 20, 2014. Web. July 209

Mehrdad Modaresia, Gholamreza Ghalamkaria, and Alireza jalalizand. “The Effect of Celery (Apium graveolens) Extract on the Reproductive Hormones in Male Mice”. Science Direct, December 13, 2012. Web. July 2019

1Jillian Levy, CHHC. “10 Surprising Health Benefits of Celery”. Dr. Axe, March 7, 2019. Web. July 2019

2Charlotte Lillis. “Does Celery Juice Have a Health Benefits?” Medical News Today, April 10, 2019. Web. July 2019

Andrea Lewis
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