Aromatherapy, Pain management, Women's Health

Aromatherapy for PMS

Aromatherapy for PMS_aromatherapy bath

Aromatherapy has successfully treated many physical and emotional disorders, so it should come as no surprise that aromatherapy can be used to treat PMS. Whether you are the one suffering from Premenstrual Syndrome, or you are suffering because of someone who does, you will find the following remedies very useful. Even those who do not have PMS but experience some of the symptoms associated with the disorder can benefit from these remedies.

Using Aromatherapy to Ease PMS Symptoms

Due to the nature of PMS, it is important to begin treating the symptoms before they present. You can begin treatment as early as 2 weeks before your monthly visitor is expected or as late as 2 days before. Feel free to use these treatments as needed. If you feel you would benefit from daily use, use them daily. As long as you select genuine essential oils (that you are not allergic to) and use as directed, aromatherapy is perfectly safe.

PMS Remedy #1 (for Bath)

To a very warm bath, add each of the following…

  • clary sage essential oil 3 to 6 drops
  • rose otto essential oil 1 to 2 drops
  • lavender essential oil 3 to 5 drops

One additional essential oil depends on the time of day.

  • grapefruit essential oil (day) 6 drops
  • Jasmine essential oil (evening) 3 drops

Read Aromatic Baths for Stress & Anxiety to learn more about the benefits of aromatic baths.

You can use this aromatic bath remedy every day until the onset of menses. After the commencement of menses (or instead of an aromatic bath), you should use remedy #2.

PMS Remedy #2 (for Massage)

In a small amber glass bottle (to protect the volatile oils from light), add the following ingredients:

  • 2 TB base oil – either almond oil, grape seed oil (for oily skin), or apricot kernel oil (for dry skin)
  • geranium essential oil – 6 drops
  • rosewood (bois de rose) or rose bulgar essential oil – 4 drops
  • cypress essential oil – 6 drops
  • mandarin essential oil – 4 drops
  • clary sage essential oil – 6 drops
  • grapefruit essential oil – 4 drops

Cap the bottle and gently roll between the palms of your hand until the ingredients are thoroughly mixed; this will only take about one minute.

Apply the mixture to your abdomen and massage using the Petrissage Method, or some other deep tissue massage method. To reiterate, remedy #2 and the petrissage method can be used both before and during menses. If you choose to use the remedies in concert, you may find it advantageous to use remedy #2 following your aromatic bath.

The video below demonstrates the various petrissage techniques. Note how the thumbs are used to knead the flesh. Although the video shows a masseur working on the backside of a client, there’s no good reason why you cannot perform petrissage on your own abdominal area.

PMS Symptoms

If you’re not certain if you or your loved one has PMS, check our symptoms list below.

  • Irritability
  • Nervousness
  • Weight gain
  • Fluid retention
  • Constipation
  • Headaches
  • Migraine
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Changes in mood
  • Breast swelling and tenderness (mastalgia)
  • Insomnia (usually starts a few days before the onset of menses)
  • Food cravings
  • Acne
  • Even sinus conditions can be exacerbated.

Causes of PMS

The cause of PMS is not fully understood. Scientists are only certain that an imbalance of hormones is involved. According to Women’s Health (, chemical changes in the brain may also be a factor. Other possible causes include…

  • low levels of vitamins and minerals
  • consuming too much sodium
  • consuming alcohol and caffeine

Read PMS Fighting Foods (or watch the extended video version) to learn more about the foods that help reverse the negative effects of PMS. In addition to good nutrition, an exercise routine and the support of friends and family will greatly add to your healing success.

But even if you are not willing to make further lifestyle changes, you will find that regular use of these two aromatic remedies will greatly ease your PMS symptoms and help restore your sense of physical and emotional well-being.

The scientific community has yet to pin down a definitive cause or cure for PMS, but at least there is something (actually a few things) that you can do to ease your symptoms… Naturally.


Worwood, Valerie Ann. “The Complete Book of Essential Oils & Aromatherapy”. New World Library, 1991. Print

“Premenstrual Syndrome”. Women’s Health, February 6, 2017. Web. July 2017

Katie, Wellness Mama. “Essential Oils for Hormone Balance”. Wellness Mama, July 27, 2017. Web. July 2017

Axe, Josh, MD. “Top 3 Essential Oils to Balance Hormones Naturally”. Dr. Axe, n.d. Web. July 2017

Wilson, Debra Rose, Ph.D., MSN, RN, etc. “Can Essential Oils Relieve My Menstrual Cramps?” Healthline, August 10, 2016. Web. July 2017

Andrea Lewis
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