Digestive Health, Food / Nutrition

Riboflavin – the Hemorrhoids Healer

Riboflavin – the Hemorrhoids Healer_B complex supplement

Riboflavin’s ability to heal hemorrhoids was brought to my attention by an LPN (Licensed Practical Nurse) several years ago. She emailed me after reading a post on my old blog (21st Century Apothecary) and shared her and her husband’s experience.

The Nurse’s Anecdote

The LPN said she knew of “a simple dietary remedy” for hemorrhoids that would also prevent its recurrence. This cure turned out to be Riboflavin. (As she requested, I will not be using her name.)

“We don’t learn this stuff in nursing school,” she said. “I study alternatives on my own.”

This was fortunate for her husband, who had, unknown to her, been suffering from hemorrhoids.

“When we were dating I pestered him to take a high potency group of nutrients for his various symptoms, one of those was 400mg of Riboflavin [per] day for headaches,” she wrote. “In the meantime, My husband commented that his hemorrhoids had been resolved. I had known that [B2] helped that but he had been too embarrassed to tell me about the hemorrhoids until they were gone.”

Her recommendation was to start with 100mg Riboflavin daily, in the form of B-100 complex, which “can [increase] to 400mg, but try with the lowest dose first.”

She also stated that, years later, when her husband stopped supplementing, the hemorrhoids returned…

“so back on the higher dose of B 100 he went and he has been fine.”

Why Does Riboflavin Heal Hemorrhoids?

Riboflavin is important to good artery health, all of the B vitamins are. B complex is even recommended (along with other nutrients) to help banish varicose veins. Keep in mind that hemorrhoids (also called ‘piles’) are swollen veins in the lower region of the anus and rectum.

It’s likely that riboflavin heals hemorrhoids because it acts as a cross-linking agent for collagen. Collagen – often referred to as the ‘youth protein’ by dermatologists – adds structure and strength to all tissues in the body, including arteries (veins). And, of course, anything that strengthens and stabilizes the arteries will heal hemorrhoids and prevent their return.

Using Riboflavin for Hemorrhoids

If you have hemorrhoids and want to treat it with riboflavin, I strongly recommend following the LPN’s advice and using a B-complex supplement. Riboflavin and all of the other B vitamins work best when they are in balance.

Once again, thank you, to the LPN who shared her story and advice with me all those years ago. I really appreciate it. I love learning new things about nutrition, health, and natural treatments.

If you want to share your own health and healing anecdotes, post them below or tweet me on Twitter. It’s always great to hear from you.


Nordqvist, Christian. “Hemorrhoids: Causes, treatments, and prevention.” Medical News Today, March 22, 2017. Web. August 2017

Ashley, Angela. “Hemorrhoids Treatment – How to Get Rid of Pesky Hemorrhoids”. Ezine Articles, August 5, 2010. Web. August 2017

Cosgrove, Helen. “4 Top Vitamins to Banish Varicose Veins”. A. Vogel, April 28, 2015. Web. August 2017

A. Frullini, MD, L. Manetti, Ph.D., E. Di Cicco, Ph.D., et al. “Photoinduced Collagen Cross-Linking: A New Approach to Venous Insufficiency”. Dermatologic Surgery, June 1, 2011. Web. August 2017

Andrea Lewis
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