Digestive Health

Heartburn – A Holistic Approach

Heartburn – A Holistic Approach_acid-reflux-or-heart-burn

As with many things in life, heartburn (renamed acid reflux disease by Big Pharma) is much easier to prevent than to treat after the fact. So we’ll start with prevention.

How to Prevent Heartburn

You can prevent heartburn by simply eating smaller portions, chewing food thoroughly, and allowing food to digest (a minimum of 2 hours) before going to bed. Personally, I’ve never gone to bed sooner than 3 hours after eating my last meal and I have never had heartburn.

Also, if you are prone to heartburn, you should avoid the following herbs and foods

Depressing, I know. But it’s been proven that these foods can trigger heartburn in people who are predisposed to the condition.

Remedies that Prevent and Treat Heartburn

The herb Licorice Root is a well-known folk remedy for heartburn. And the herbs Slippery Elm, Marshmallow, and Aloe Vera Juice are useful for soothing the lining of the esophagus when taken 20 minutes before a meal.

The minerals Calcium, Potassium and Magnesium (in a chelate form) have an alkalizing effect by combining with the acid from the stomach, with no known side effects. All three should be taken together between meals. This combination can prevent and treat heartburn.

Another natural antacid is Apple Cider Vinegar. Add 1 TBSP to 8 oz. water and drink during a meal to prevent heartburn.

Antacids work fast; that’s why they are so popular for heartburn treatment. One fast and effective antacid is baking soda, also known as sodium bicarbonate. But, if you are on a low-sodium diet or you have a heart condition or high blood pressure, you should avoid using baking soda more than once per week. As its name suggests, it is heavily sodium based. There’s also Calcium carbonate, but the same restrictions for baking soda apply here as well.


Using calcium carbonate and baking soda together frequently can trigger a condition called Alkalosis. This is because both are easily absorbed into the blood and increase the blood pH. The symptoms of Alkalosis are nausea, headaches, and weakness.

All in all, it’s best to simply prevent heartburn. The acids from the stomach can eat away at the esophagus (especially at night) and lead to esophagitis, Barrett’s esophagus, and esophageal cancer.

“An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” ~Benjamin Franklin

I hope you’ve found this information useful. And if you have discovered any natural remedies for heartburn, please, share it with us, in the comments section below.

The video version of this article is available in our Videos section, under 2012 and on our YouTube channel.


Kyle. “Apple cider vinegar for acid reflux”. RefluxMD, May 1, 2013. Web.

Thomas CP, MBBS. “Metabolic Alkalosis”. Medscape, n.d. Web.

Emmett, Michael, MD. “Causes of metabolic alkalosis”. UpToDate, July 1, 2014. Web.

Andrea Lewis
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