Lifestyle, Women's Health

Best And Worst Yoga Poses And Postures To Do While Pregnant

yoga during pregnancy_sitting pose

Yoga is a great exercise for pregnant women. It can strengthen your body, be a stress reliever and promote a calmer attitude while being low impact. However, just like with any other type of exercise, it’s important to be careful. Even though yoga offers a variety of benefits, doesn’t necessarily mean that every pose is good for you at this time.

Although many yoga poses can offer positive impacts for you and your baby, some aren’t. Practicing certain yoga poses while pregnant can put too much stress on your midsection or can put your baby in an unnatural position. This could lead to discomfort, prenatal difficulties as well as the risk of miscarriage.

If you’re using yoga while pregnant to increase you and your baby’s well-being, take a look at the accompanying checklist. It highlights some yoga poses you should use and others to avoid while expecting.

Infographic created by The Yoga Collective

Grant Gottfurcht

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