Food / Nutrition, General Wellness, Lifestyle

Vitamins And Your Body – The Road To A Healthier Lifestyle

Vitamins And Your Body – The Road To A Healthier Lifestyle_b vitamins

To live a healthy lifestyle we must strive to exercise, eat a healthy balanced diet, use complementary holistic herbs as remedies, and maintain a steady dose of vitamins. Vitamins 1 are some of the most important nutritional items as they provide a plethora of important benefits for our body.

This article and infographic look at the different types of vitamins, how you can take them, and how they can transform your life.

What Are Vitamins?

As a broad classification, vitamins are organic compounds that provide essential nutrients to our body. An organic compound is only classified as a vitamin if it cannot be made by the organism itself. For example, humans need vitamin C, which cannot be produced naturally in our body.

Vitamins have various different functions. There are 12 main classes of them, from A through to K. For the most part, they are acquired through ingestion, i.e. eating foods and herbal remedies, but some vitamins can be synthesized by our body. Vitamin types include A, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B7, B8, B9, B12, C, D, E, and K.

How Are Vitamins Beneficial For Our Body?

As mentioned above, vitamins offer numerous benefits 2 to our body. We can achieve a great balance of vitamins just by eating a balanced diet, and this is generally the best way to do so. The good news is that cooking your food has never been simpler, and getting nutritional ingredients from a meal delivery service such as Plated makes it even easier. but we can also top them up with supplements and herbal plants such as Amla (high in vitamin C).

We have broken down the different types of vitamins below, together with their sources and benefits.

Vitamin B

Vitamin B is a class of vitamins that generally help cell metabolism. It is the only class of vitamins that has different subsets, i.e. vitamins B1 through to B12, each of which has a different name and a different benefit for the body.

Vitamin B3 or Niacin, for example, can help reduce cholesterol levels and also metabolize fat in the body. You can find Niacin in peanuts, mushrooms, and green peas.

Vitamin B6 or Pyridoxine, on the other hand, can help detox liver and improve brain function. Tuna, bananas, and dried prunes are all fantastic sources of this vitamin.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is essential for the immune system. If you have a low level of this vitamin, you may often fall prey to common colds, and your wounds may heal slower. There are many different sources of this vitamin and one of the best is the natural plant Amla. Others include guavas, kale, broccoli, and kiwi fruit.

Vitamin A

If you want healthy teeth and soft tissue then you should ingest a healthy dosage of vitamin A. Surprisingly, a lack of this vitamin can result in a loss of sight and skin irritation. Various meats including liver and beef contain it, and you can also find it in various vegetables such as carrot and sweet potato.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D is one of the best natural nutrients to improve the strength and growth of bones. If you have insufficient vitamin D, then you may feel increasingly tired and experience aches and pains. If you love a hearty breakfast then you are in luck as both eggs and cereal contain this vitamin. Other sources include salmon and tofu.

Vitamin E

Our body needs a balance of vitamins to help prevent diseases and fight the development of free radical cells. White blood cells help achieve this, but vitamin E is essential too. It can also balance cholesterol. Vitamin E can be found in almonds, sunflower seeds, and wheat germ oil.

Vitamin K

Finally, we have Vitamin K 3. This is another important vitamin that can help improve our bone strength. Furthermore, it can help reduce blood clots and keep our blood flowing regularly to ensure healthy levels of clotting (i.e. mending wounds). Kale again has proved its worth, as it is a great source of Vitamin K. Other vegetables such as spinach and broccoli are also rich in the same vitamin.

We hope you have found this guide useful. As you can see, there are many different sources of vitamins and if you eat a wide variety of foods, there is no reason to be afraid of diseases. Holistic remedies and plants, such as our range of Ayurvedic herbs, are also superb sources of vitamins and can greatly complement your balanced diet.

The key is to ensure that you gain a balance of all the different nutrients so that your body has everything that it needs to operate at maximum capacity.

Infographic URL:


1 Christian Nordqvist, “Vitamins: What are they and what do they do?” MedicalNewsToday,, 26 September 2017

2 Listing of Vitamins, Harvard Health Publishing,, updated: August 14, 2017, published: June, 2009.

3 Megan Ware RND LD, “Health benefits and sources of vitamin K”, MedicalNewsToday,, 22 January 2018

Karthik Reddy

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