The Energy of Disease and Health

Written by Karen Hayhurst and updated by the Editor, Andrea Lewis | Republished on
(Original publication date October 18, 2015)

Vitruvuan Man sacred geometry
Image from College of Esoteric Education

Embracing Autumn: Staying Healthy Amid Seasonal Changes

Here it is—Autumn! I don't know about you, but time has flown by, and as I write this, my furnace is already kicking in. With the shift to colder weather or sudden fluctuations, we often see an uptick in colds and influenza. These illnesses tend to be temporary for many of us, but sometimes they linger for weeks or affect different people in varying ways. On the other hand, we also face chronic diseases that can last for years, even a lifetime, and can unfortunately lead to loss of life.

What is Health, Really?

Health is defined in many ways. For some, being healthy means having no sickness, whether it's a short-term illness or a long-term condition. Others might argue that health is more about resilience—how quickly your body can recover from an illness. No matter how you define it, let’s be realistic: everyone gets sick at some point. The goal is to experience only brief, temporary bouts of illness.

The Energy Connection: Health, Bacteria, and Viruses

Through years of energy work and research, I've observed correlations between bacteria, viruses, and overall health, including optimal well-being and energy or frequency levels. Many researchers have noted similar connections. We can think of optimal well-being as the result of a balanced lifestyle.

In a future article, I’ll dive deeper into wellness and well-being. Bacteria and viruses are the physical manifestations of disease, but in the world of energy, they are merely the product of specific energy signatures or frequencies. This ties back to quantum science, which I explored in my [previous article].

Energy and Frequencies: A New Way to Understand Disease

When we explore the energy or frequency of bacteria and viruses, the electromagnetic spectrum becomes a useful tool. This spectrum connects frequencies and wavelengths with color. Before a virus or bacteria becomes visible under a microscope, it exists in the invisible quantum realm. The electromagnetic spectrum serves as a bridge between the quantum and physical worlds.

Viruses resonate at high frequencies in the ultraviolet range, while bacteria vibrate at the opposite end of the spectrum in the infrared levels. Optimal well-being, however, resonates at a frequency translated to the color turquoise—right in the middle of the visible spectrum. Average health is represented by the color green.

Can Frequency Heal? Yes, It Can!

Given these ranges, can we use this knowledge to heal from bacterial or viral infections? The answer is yes! In fact, many biophysicists are already researching these methods with positive results.

For instance, physicists like Kong-Thon Tsen at the University of Arizona published research in 2007 that showed lasers could destroy viral membranes, eliminating the virus entirely. Even earlier, in the 1930s, Royal Raymond Rife used sonic waves to target cancer cells. Later, Dr. Fritz Albert-Popp, a biophysicist, discovered how biophotons (light emitted by cells) could influence the frequencies of cancer cells, helping them communicate with healthy cells and ultimately returning to a normal state.

Natural Ways to Shift Frequencies

So, what can you do to maintain or shift your frequency to prevent bacteria and viruses from thriving in your body? Here are a few natural, holistic approaches:

Final Thoughts

To learn more about energy healing and auras, check out the great article on auric healing from Conscious Lifestyle Magazine. Balancing your frequency and energy is the key to feeling your best. Take care of yourself, stay balanced, and most of all—have fun!

To your good health!

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Lynn, Barry, "The Planet The cure for cancer was covered up." The Planet Newspaper, 1999.

K.T. Tsen, S-W D. Tsen, C-L Chang, C-F Hung, T.C. Wu and J.G. Kiang . 2007 . Inactivation of viruses by coherent excitations with a low power visible femtosecond laser. Vilorogy J.4 . 50-1 -50-5

Popp, F. A., and Chang, Jiin-Ju, “Mechanism of interaction between electromagnetic fields and living systems.” Science in China (Series C), 2000; 43: 507-18.