The October 2024 Edition

How Dental Health Can Lead to Endocarditis and Impact the Whole Body

dental procedures

When we think of dental health, our thoughts usually go to cavities, gum disease, or tooth loss. However, few people realize that poor oral hygiene can lead to life-threatening conditions beyond the mouth. One of these is endocarditis, an infection of the heart's inner lining, which can have far-reaching consequences for the entire body. ... Read on

The Science Behind Aromatherapy: Why Your Nose Knows Best

woman smelling flowers

Aromatherapy has been used for centuries as a holistic treatment to improve mental and physical well-being. But why does it work for some health concerns and not others? The answer lies deep in our neuroanatomy and the unique way our olfactory system interacts with the brain. ... Read on

Children of Alcoholics and Food Addiction: Understanding the Link

children of alcoholic parent

Children who grow up in households with alcohol-dependent parents often experience challenges that extend far beyond the immediate effects of substance abuse. One area of concern is the heightened risk for food addiction. This connection between alcohol use disorders (AUD) in parents and food-related issues in children may be rooted in emotional, psychological, and biological factors. ... Read on

Recently Updated Articles

The Energy of Disease and Health

Vitruvuan Man sacred geometry

Here it is—Autumn! I don't know about you, but time has flown by, and as I write this, my furnace is already kicking in. With the shift to colder weather or sudden fluctuations, we often see an uptick in colds and influenza. These illnesses tend to be temporary for many of us, but sometimes they linger for weeks or affect different people in varying ways. On the other hand, we also face chronic diseases that can last for years, even a lifetime, and can unfortunately lead to loss of life. ... Read on

Health Benefits of Coriander

coriander seeds

Coriander (Coriandrum sativum) has been used as both food and medicine, in many cultures, for millennia. In Ayurvedic medicine, coriander is used as a digestive aid. In Chinese medicine, the whole herb is used to treat a variety of conditions, including nausea, toothache, hernias, measles, dysentery, and hemorrhoids. Coriander has even been added to some pharmaceutical medicines to counteract stomach irritation. ... Read on

Hawthorn: Effective Herbal Remedy for Heart Failure

hawthorn herb

Hawthorn (Crataegus Oxyacantha) has been the subject of several clinical research studies, showing potential benefits for individuals suffering from heart failure. Heart failure, also referred to as congestive or chronic heart failure, is a condition where the heart muscle cannot pump out blood effectively or efficiently. ... Read on

Cold & Flu Prevention

Young woman woman eating healthy food

Preventing illness, and the downtime it brings is always preferable to simply treating it after the fact. By planning ahead and taking a holistic approach – treating the body, mind, and spirit – one can successfully prevent illnesses of all kinds. It is especially easy to successfully prevent germ and viral born illnesses, such as cold and flu. ... Read on

Calorie Counting Is Not Enough to Prevent Diabetes

Identical twins, one lean the other obese

If your goal is to prevent the onset of Type 2 diabetes, shedding extra pounds is only part of the equation. Weight loss alone, without dietary changes, is insufficient for those aiming to reduce their risk of developing this metabolic disorder. ... Read on

Children of Alcoholics and Sex Addiction

hawthorn herb

Alcohol addiction in parents is linked to an increased risk of their children developing sex addiction later in life. Recent research sheds light on this connection, providing a compelling reason for parents struggling with alcohol addiction to pursue sobriety. ... Read on