Quantum Science of Holistic Therapies

Written by Karen Hayhurst and updated by the Editor, Andrea Lewis | Republished on
(Original publication date September 22, 2015)

Vitruvian Man with chakras
Image provided by the author

Quantum Science and the Mysteries of the Universe

We live in an extraordinary era where science, particularly quantum science, is unveiling the microscopic aspects of our universe. These discoveries reveal that everything—space, Earth, humans, cells, and, well, everything—is not what it seems based on physical observation. In the past, we believed that "what I see is what it is," but advances in technology have allowed us to dive deeper into the universe's mysteries. What we perceive is actually a manifestation of energy.

Holistic Therapies and Energy: Misunderstood or Effective?

Holistic therapies, like Reiki, are often considered mysterious, and some people even question their effectiveness. Reiki, for example, is an energy healing modality in which the practitioner acts as a conduit for transferring energy from the Universal source to the client. Since we cannot see energy, the effectiveness of Reiki has been a subject of controversy.

However, recent research, primarily from the field of quantum sciences, is beginning to support the efficacy of Reiki and other energy-based therapies. This growing body of evidence challenges previous skepticism and offers a deeper understanding of how these therapies might work.

The Evolution of Holistic Therapies in Science

I've been practicing as a Reiki Master for over 20 years. In the early years, there was little to no scientific research supporting the practice. Reiki was not alone in this; other holistic therapies such as Homeopathy, Aromatherapy, Chiropractic, and Acupuncture faced similar skepticism.

Interestingly, over time, Chiropractic and Acupuncture have gained more acceptance in modern medicine. The key issue with many holistic therapies is that their effects occur on a subtle energy level, often undetectable by conventional medical equipment, which measures energy after it has manifested in a more tangible physical form.

The Problem with "Seeing" Energy

The inability to see energy has contributed to the skepticism surrounding holistic therapies. The old saying "if you can't see it, it must not exist" has long been an obstacle. But what if we could "see" energy? What if we had the ability to detect energy before it manifests into a physical form, like cancer, multiple sclerosis (MS), or the flu? Thankfully, quantum science is getting closer to that level of subtle energy exploration, helping us understand the true nature of disease, health, and wellness.

Biophotons: A Glimpse into the Subtle World of Energy

One pioneer in this field was Dr. Fritz Albert Popp, a biophysicist who gave us a glimpse into the subtle world of energy with his discovery of biophotons. In his study, Popp found that disease and health exhibit different energy patterns, or algorithms.

Who would have thought that math could play a role in our well-being? Biophotons are tiny particles of light, and light provides two things essential to life: energy and information. Popp’s discovery of biophotons has been instrumental in explaining how holistic therapies can work on a microscopic level, helping us understand how energy manifests into either health or disease.

The Future of Quantum Science and Holistic Therapies

Quantum science is an exciting frontier that offers new insights into how holistic therapies work. As research continues to evolve, we will likely see even more evidence supporting the benefits of energy-based treatments. In future articles, I’ll delve deeper into the role of biophotons and other quantum science discoveries in holistic practices.

Your Input Matters

I’d love to hear from you—what would you like to know about quantum science and its relation to holistic therapies? Your input will help guide future articles to better address your interests and questions. Let’s explore these mysteries together!

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Original Reference
Popp, F. A., and Chang, Jiin-Ju, "Mechanism of interaction between electromagnetic fields and living systems." Science in China (Series C), 2000; 43: 507-18.

Update References
Dr. Fritz Albert Popp’s research on biophotons: Popp, F. A., & Ruth, B. (1981). Biophoton emission: New evidence for coherence and energy transfer in biological systems. Springer.

Quantum science and holistic therapies: Dossey, L. (1993). Healing Words: The Power of Prayer and the Practice of Medicine. HarperOne.