Contributor Guidelines

If you are interested in contributing an article to Holistic Health & Living, whether it's to build your writing resume or drive more traffic to your own website/blog, there are a few simple guidelines you must follow if you want to be published:

  1. The post must be original. We do not republish old blog posts unless they have undergone a complete makeover, including a new title. Frankly, it's less time-consuming to start from scratch.

  2. Cite your sources. This is the most important guideline. Your sources should be added to the end of the article in a 'References'section. We prefer MLA citation format, and use a loose form of it (see image below), but APA citation format would also be appropriate.

  3. Do not cite Wikipedia! Wikipedia is not a reliable source of information because anyone can create an article on Wikipedia as well as alter the information in other people's articles.

  4. Do not fill the article with unnecessary links. Content links should be used to keep an article brief. If the information found at the link location would significantly lengthen an article, please, do use a link but tell the reader why they should click it.

  5. You can and should link to relevant information on your own site or blog. But do not link to sales pages or affiliate partners. Such links will be deleted, and your article may be rejected altogether.

  6. Articles must be at least 800 words, but we prefer 1000+ word pieces. However, the most important factor is thoroughness. Have you explained the topic in-depth? If you have, the article may be any length.

  7. Complete the biography section of your account. This information will appear under your article in the About the Author box. You may include a link to your website/blog and social media accounts there as well.

MLA citation examples
References/citations examples


Additional Suggestions

The following are not truly "guidelines", they're really just suggestions for those who want to use this opportunity to build an audience for their own work:

If there is any part of our guidelines that you find unclear, do not hesitate to ask for clarification.

If you are a blogger, in a similar or complimentary niche, or a Health Writer interested in getting a byline on Holistic Health & Living, email your topic ideas to: