You and Quantum Entanglement

Written by Karen Hayhurst | Published on

quantum entanglement between two people
Image provided by the author

Has anyone noticed the popularity of information regarding Quantum sciences over the past 5 or more years? I will assume you have but if not just simply google the subject and you will find tons of related articles both scientific and not. I have seen many of my fellow authors be criticized for even mentioning such things as quantum entanglement as pseudo-science and that it is entire nonsense. However, certain quantum discoveries are not quackery. Perhaps the denial is that many still hold to the physical, material world as the foundation of existence, which is a more Newtonian perspective.

In this article, we are going to discuss, simply a quantum revelation, and pretty much-proven quantum entanglement and how it relates to you.

First of all, our body appears quite real, and if you pinch yourself, I'm sure you will feel it. This physical body was built from something. The cells are a basic level of any tissue but where did those cells come from. As we go deeper we reach the atom but deeper still we come into a world of small particles that are only viewable with extremely powerful microscopes. These particles are electrons, protons, neutrons, and photons.

There are more particles at deeper microscopic levels. Consider, that you take two particles, such as electrons, they become entangled. You could separate them, put one on Earth and the other at the far reaches of the universe and they would demonstrate their connection or entanglement by for example the one on Earth spinning up and the one the other would spin down even though they are separated by vast distances.

This is what Einstein could not believe until his last days. He called it "Spooky action at a distance." Indeed, it seems exactly that. The theory of quantum entanglement has been tested at the Delft University of Technology with highly supportive results.

That's all fine and good but what does it mean to you? The basic premise of the entanglement is that something got entangled or connected in the first place. Take a set of twins, it is well known that they have an uncanny ability to intuit what is occurring with their counterpart.

You may not be a twin but you too have entanglement with other people. Amazingly, this communication set up is invisible to our eyes and therefore, we do not realize it or believe it is possible. Distant healing practices, such as Reiki, rely on this entanglement.

Most healers are not aware that this entanglement is a level the healing energies have traveled by. And, dare I say, at a speed faster than light. Einstein certainly would not have liked that statement! That Reiki healer also did not need to even be around their client to have created the entanglement. Is it possible that we are all connected, after all, we all have a level of entanglement?

In regards to the theory of entanglement, it also gives insight into how we can pick up on another person's thoughts and emotions. And, for those in the energy healing arts how you pick up on the pains of other people. In the quantum realm delves into the exceedingly micro world that illuminates how connected we are.

If we take entanglement as true, and it seems it is, then how can we not take on other people's stuff, thoughts, emotions and etc? well, the answer seems to lie in the statement to "Know thyself". Know who you are and that is the most grounding thing you can do, otherwise, you are like a boat on a very rough ocean being tossed about.

We live in fascinating times and the quantum sciences are giving us new information, it seems almost daily. What is truly amazing is that these new discoveries are doing three big things. First, is it is changing our world quickly. Second, some aspects seem to show we had actually regressed for a time, as there is some ancient medicine that we are now rediscovering. Thirdly, but not least by any means, we now have science exploring consciousness on deep levels. Simply, amazing!

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