Food / Nutrition, Herbs, Lifestyle

5 Diseases Treatable with Garden Herbs

5 Diseases Treatable by Your Herb Garden basil bunch

For thousands of years, mankind has used various herbs and spices in the treatment of many ailments of the body and the mind alike. In fact, one of the oldest medicinal systems in the history of the world relies heavily on such cures. It is called Ayurveda, and it was born in India more than three thousand years ago.

While many Eastern cultures still practice it in conjunction with modern medicine, the Western world is more reserved when it comes to such holistic therapies. However, your own personal garden has the potential to be the best pharmacy in the world if you give it the chance.

Herbs that Cure

The important thing to remember when using plant-based therapies is that they work best when combined with doctor-prescribed pharmaceuticals. The good news is that you don’t have to go out of your way to find Indian Ayurvedic herbs. There are plenty of other options you can find in your own garden. Here are five condiments straight from anyone’s personal backyard and the major diseases that they help treat.

Basil for Ear Infections

If you’ve been wondering how to get rid of an earache, then it’s about time you considered the amazing curative powers of basil leaves. Thanks to its high content of eugenol, a powerful anti-inflammatory substance, this nifty little plant is effective in treating ear infections, as well as other aches such as muscle pain or migraines.

To achieve the best possible results, crush a few basil leaves and extract the raw juice from them. With the help of a dropper, put two drops of it into the infected ear to aid with pain relief. Just remember that this helps with the pain only. To cure the actual affliction, you will require medical attention.

Mint for Indigestion

Nausea and indigestion generally occur due to ingesting foods that don’t particularly agree with one’s stomach. In extreme cases, vomiting may even occur. Fortunately, a mild case of upset stomach can be successfully treated at home. One popular ingredient from your herb garden that is effective in combating symptoms such as bloating and preventing vomiting is mint.

The best way to reap these health benefits from it is to make unsweetened mint tea. Drink three cups a day and avoid any heavy or fatty foods for the following week. Furthermore, make sure that the liquid is room temperature because anything hotter can upset your stomach all over again.

Dill for UTIs

We all know that cranberries are the number one natural prevention method and remedy for urinary tract infections. But did you know that dill is a worthy candidate as well? This delicious, pickle-tasting seasoning is not only a savory addition to any meat dish but also a trustworthy ally that promotes kidney and bladder health.

With the help of its diuretic and anti-inflammatory properties, dill flushes out harmful toxins from the body and helps clean the urinary tract from any bacteria that might dwell down there. However, it is strongly recommended to seek medical treatment as well when dealing with such an affliction. The herb doesn’t cure the actual infection, it just relieves some of its symptoms.

Parsley for Kidney Stones

When it comes to herbs, parsley is the one to rule them all in the kitchen. A great addition to main dishes and sides alike, the subtle hints of savory freshness in its aroma complement just about any food. This is why our moms and grandmas use it to top off anything they cook, from soups to steaks and even salads.

And parsley doesn’t rule the kitchen only; it is also filled with various health benefits. Thanks to its rich vitamin K contents, it promotes menstrual health, which is good news for any woman out there between the ages of 12 and 51. Furthermore, the vitamin C in it is great at protecting our bodies from oxidative stress and free radical damage.

But perhaps a lesser known use for parsley is in the treatment of kidney stones. By administering parsley water or parsley tea daily in conjunction with your pharmaceutical prescription, you can speed up the dissolution process by a lot.

Rosemary for Cancer Prevention

When you cook almost any type of meat at high temperatures through either frying, grilling or even broiling, substances known as heterocyclic amines are released. Also referred to as HCAs, they are potent carcinogens that increase the risk of developing all types of cancers. Thanks to rosemary’s carnosol and rosmarinic acid contents, HCAs are eliminated from cooked meats, which benefits your health tremendously.

Obviously, the best use for this seasoning would be in a marinade for meat. On top of that, preliminary studies have indicated that rosemary might also play a big role in stopping tumor growth. Thanks to the aforementioned substances that it contains, carcinogens are no longer able to bind with human DNA, which is the main way in which these damaging growths thrive.


The best way to use any of the previously discussed herbs is by pairing them up with a medical treatment prescribed by a specialist in the field. This is especially important if the disease you are battling is particularly aggravated and is causing you a lot of distress. Mother Nature can only help you so much, and even the most season Ayurveda practitioners would agree nowadays.


Kalish, Nancy. “10 Best Healing Herbs.” Prevention, March 5, 2015. Web. January 2018

Lewis, Andrea. “Ayurvedic Herbs.” Holistic Healthy Living, n.d. Web. January 2018

“24 Best Home Remedies to Treat an Earache + Infographic.” Home Remedy Shop, January 20, 2017. Web. January 2018

Skwar, Krystal. “5 Herbs You Should Always Have In Your Kitchen That Are Both Full Of Flavor And Extremely Good For You.” Bustle, March 10, 2015. Web. January 2018

Mike Jones
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