General Wellness, Lifestyle

Living Green: Committing to a Healthy and Restful Home Environment

The prevalence of disease, the obesity rate, and residual effects of a poor diet and personal habits have made Americans more aware of the food and drinks they consume and the air they breathe. There’s also a growing movement toward greener, more sustainable living and smaller, decluttered and efficient living environments. Indoor air quality and the presence of toxic components in carpeting and upholstery have spawned a new awareness of more healthful ways to decorate and arrange our homes.… Read More Living Green: Committing to a Healthy and Restful Home Environment

Food / Nutrition, General Wellness, Immune Health, Lifestyle

6 Immunity-Boosting Vegetables that Help Ease the Cold Weather Blues

A lot of people catch the flu during the cold season. In fact, adults suffer two to three colds every year between March and October. While flu shots and regular exercise make effective remedies for fending off colds, you can strengthen your immune system by eating healthy meals, prepared only with organic vegetables. This way, your… Read More 6 Immunity-Boosting Vegetables that Help Ease the Cold Weather Blues